A stunning new book. November 2013:
The Nerdrum School
-The Master and his students
Not many artists of today’s art world create an additional footprint through his or hers great number of pupils. Odd Nerdrum founded a school that was common for master painters in earlier centuries but not of today. His followers have a direct influence in their art from their master. This book shows how “The Nerdrum School” is an important part of the international art scene in our time.
The author of the preface, the art critic Richard Vine describes Nerdrum like this: “For the last four decades, Odd Nerdrum has been, in that sense, a necessary artist—not because he towers at the forefront of world acclaim or because his work engages contemporary issues in distinctly contemporary visual terms. On the contrary, he has been—by his own account and in keeping with his own wish—the odd man out. Most viewers and most art-world professionals have regarded him as simply too talented and too famous to ignore, and yet too contrarian to embrace. In his long rough gown, Nerdrum has stood at the door of art’s Temple, so to speak, like a prophet reminding us of our artistic derelictions and sins”.
Text from http://orfeuspublishing.com/en/kunst/nerdrum-school/
Coverpainting by Helene Knoop. |
"It is an impressive collection of painters that I am proud to be a part of. The collection of paintings shown in this book is only a small part of the production these eminent painters has, and that says a lot about what "power center" Odd and Turid Nerdrum has created. The book is an important document for the future assessment of The Nerdrum School".
Jonny Andvik, November 2013
The painters represented in this book:
Amy Sherald
Andrea J. Smith
Andrew Scheglov
Anthony Ackrill
Atle Skudal
Austin Murphy
Billy Roy Økland
Boris Koller
Brad Silverstein
Brad Wilde
Brandon Kralik
Caleb Knodell
Carlos Madrid
Christer Tronsmed
Christiane Clarissa Koch
Cornelia Hernes
David Maddy
David Molesky
David Ransom
Dylan Critchfield-Sales
Elisabeth Gyllensten
Eri Haruyama
Evan Kitson
Even Richardson
Fereidoun Ghaffari
Francis O`Toole
Gabrielle Vitollo
Geir Stahl
Guillermo Lorca Garcia Huidobro
Gunnar Haslund
Harald Kolderup
Hege Elisabeth Haugen
Helene Knoop
Irena Jovic
Ivanco Talevski
Jan-Ove Tuv
Jay Senetchko
Joakim ericsson
Joel frank
Johan Patricny
Jonathan Matthews
Jonny Andvik
Jordi Diaz Alamà
Julia Clift
Kaja Norum
Kjetil Jul
Kristina Gehrmann
Kristy Gordon
Lauren Gidwitz
Luke Hillestad
Maria Kreyn
Markus Andersson
Mattias Sammekull
Molly Judd
Monika Helgesen
Nanne Nyander
Natalie Holland
Nick Alm
Nicholas Mancini
Nicole Porter
Odd Nerdrum
Odin Borgen
Osiris Rain
Paula Rubino
Per Trygve Lundgren
Richard Thomas Scott
Robert Dale Williams
Rose Freymuth-Frazier
Sampo Kaikkonen
Sebastian Letelier
Shane Young
Sigmund da Silva Lien
Stefán Boulter
Stig Ristesund
Sverre Bjertnes
Teresa Oaxaca
Terje Adler Mørk
Thomas Ehretsmann
Thomas Klevjer
Timothy Joseph Allen
Trine Folmoe
Ulrik Stenshøj
Vídir I thrastarson
Nick O `Leary
Jeremy Francis Bell
256 pages
500 illustrations
Language: English
ISBN: 978-91-87543-04-3
Price: NOK 498,-