
tirsdag 10. juli 2012

Lithographs by Jonny Andvik

Since I as a young man did 
for the first time do some etching in the printstudio at Exeter College of Art and Design in England in 1989, I have been hooked on the medium. I did work in the cheapest material; tin. But for the printing of a few originals, it was fair enough. Later, when I developed my own graphics workshop at Atelier Andvik in Porsgrunn, I went deeper and thoroughly into the media; copper plates, wax, acidbath, polishing pin and hour after hour of testing and printing until the result was as it should be. Masterprinters like Rembrandt, Whistler and Zorn were studied to learn all the tricks.

A long time has passed since then, and a number of pictures, to date over 60 different designs. And more are under development. Prints are popular to collect, and in Norway we enjoy a steady market.
Please see below for examples of lithographs by Andvik:

Are you interested in my art and want a motive or desire to create a collection, please, contact me at receive offers or enter into a subscription agreement on "Andvik exclusive graphics" - series of graphics that can not be found at auctions.

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