I 2007 var jeg en av utstillerne på The Nordic Heritage Museum i Seattle, Washington i Amerika. Museet er beliggende i Ballard-området, som anses å være hjertet av det skandinaviske samfunnet på den delen av kontinentet. Museet er dedikert til arven etter de nordiske innvandrere som kom fra de nordiske landene: Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige. The Nordic Heritage Museum er et fellesnordisk kultursted som viser kunst og gjenstander, har faste samlinger samt pedagogiske og kulturelle innslag fra landene de representerer.
Jeg valgte å lage malerier av gjenstander som utvandrerne fra Norge tok med seg på sin ferd fra oppbruddet til nyetableringen – og forsøkte etter beste evne å sette meg inn i disse personenes ultimate prioriteringer. Mange dro fra Telemark, og deres bagasjemuligheter var begrenset. Hva var naturlig for en mor til mange barn å velge som det viktigste å ta med seg? Hva valgte den reisende håndverkeren eller det unge nygifte paret? Det gjaldt å bringe med seg det mest nødvendige og det som kunne skape livsgrunnlag for dem i det nye landet.
Jeg ga utstillingen med mine ti stillebenmalerier tittelen “The Dream of America”. Motivene viser historier fortalt gjennom objektene som er avbildet: “The New Beginning” (En ny begynnelse) viser en stor reisekiste pakket og klar med konas håndbagasje og sjal plassert på toppen av lokket. Vi aner den dystre avskjedsstemningen i maleriet i mangelen av folkene, men samtidig uttrykker sjalet håp i sin feminint moderlige framtoning. “Homeland soil” (Jord fra hjemstedet), er et maleri som i sin enkelhet uttrykker den dype kjærligheten utvandreren hadde til moderlandet. Det var ikke uvanlig at det ble tatt med en neve jord i lommen som en slags lykkebringende talisman på ferden og som kanskje ble viet jorden på det nye stedet man slo seg ned på. Under befolkningsveksten i Norge rundt 1820 til 1850 årene ble det vanskelig å skaffe seg arbeid og dermed ble det matmangel. Maleriet “The Dream of America” er et bilde på tiltrekningskraften det nye landet hadde: Troen på arbeid og muligheter for alle og rikelig med mat på bordet. I Norge var det rift om brødet.
Med tittelene forsøker jeg å lede betrakterne inn på sporet av hva jeg ønsker å si med motivene. Men jeg gir ikke fra meg hele sannheten, noe må tenkes ut selv. Reisen med familien fra landsbygda i Norge over Atlanterhavet til Amerika, fra Ellis Island og New York til Midtvesten, over Great Plains og Pacific Northwest var en strabasiøs ferd med mangeartede utfall. I beste fall gikk det bra med de nordiske pionerene – til felles glede for landene og slektene den dag i dag.
Noen av maleriene er tilgjengelig. Vennligst henvend deg til post@andvik.com for pris og informasjon.
In 2007 I was one of the exhibitors at The Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle, Washington in America. The museum is located in the Ballard area, which is considered to be the heart of the Scandinavian community on that part of the continent. The museum is dedicated to the legacy of the Scandinavian immigrants who came from the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The Nordic Heritage Museum is a common Nordic culture site that displays art and artifacts, has permanent collections as well as educational and cultural elements from the countries they represent.
I chose to create paintings of items that emigrants from Norway took on their journey from the break with their homeland - and tried my best to put myself into these people's ultimate priorities. Many went from Telemark, and their storage facilities were limited. What was natural for a mother to many children to choose as the most important thing to bring with her? What decided the traveling tradesman or the young newlyweds? It was important to bring in the most necessary and that could create livelihoods for them in the new country.
I gave the show with my ten Still-life paintings the title "The Dream of America".The designs show stories told through the objects depicted: "The New Beginning" (A new beginning) shows a large travel chest packed and ready with a woman's hand luggage and shawl placed on top of the lid. We recognize the gloomy mood in the painting in the lack of people, but the shawl expressed hope in the feminine motherly appearance. "Homeland soil" (Soil from home), is a painting in its simplicity expresses the deep love of the emigrants had to the mother country. It was not unusual that they took with them a handful of soil in their pockets as a sort of lucky talisman for the journey and for sharing it to the earth at the new place they settled on. It was a growth of population in Norway around 1820 to 1850, it is difficult to find employment and thus were food shortages. The painting "The Dream of America" is a picture of the attractiveness of the new country had: Faith in work opportunities for all and plenty of food on the table. In Norway, it was a battle for bread.
I try to lead viewers into the groove of what I want to say with the works. But I will not give the whole truth, which must be thought out for yourself. The trip with the family from the countryside in Norway across the Atlantic to America, Ellis Island and New York to the Midwest, the Great Plains and Pacific Northwest was a strenuous process of diverse outcomes. At best, it went well with the Scandinavian pioneers - the common benefit of countries and families today.
Some of the paintings are available. Please contact me at post@andvik.com for prices and information.
Emigration: An exhibition in Seattle, USA
I chose to create paintings of items that emigrants from Norway took on their journey from the break with their homeland - and tried my best to put myself into these people's ultimate priorities. Many went from Telemark, and their storage facilities were limited. What was natural for a mother to many children to choose as the most important thing to bring with her? What decided the traveling tradesman or the young newlyweds? It was important to bring in the most necessary and that could create livelihoods for them in the new country.
I gave the show with my ten Still-life paintings the title "The Dream of America".The designs show stories told through the objects depicted: "The New Beginning" (A new beginning) shows a large travel chest packed and ready with a woman's hand luggage and shawl placed on top of the lid. We recognize the gloomy mood in the painting in the lack of people, but the shawl expressed hope in the feminine motherly appearance. "Homeland soil" (Soil from home), is a painting in its simplicity expresses the deep love of the emigrants had to the mother country. It was not unusual that they took with them a handful of soil in their pockets as a sort of lucky talisman for the journey and for sharing it to the earth at the new place they settled on. It was a growth of population in Norway around 1820 to 1850, it is difficult to find employment and thus were food shortages. The painting "The Dream of America" is a picture of the attractiveness of the new country had: Faith in work opportunities for all and plenty of food on the table. In Norway, it was a battle for bread.
I try to lead viewers into the groove of what I want to say with the works. But I will not give the whole truth, which must be thought out for yourself. The trip with the family from the countryside in Norway across the Atlantic to America, Ellis Island and New York to the Midwest, the Great Plains and Pacific Northwest was a strenuous process of diverse outcomes. At best, it went well with the Scandinavian pioneers - the common benefit of countries and families today.
Some of the paintings are available. Please contact me at post@andvik.com for prices and information.
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Crafmans Choise. Oil on canvas. Sold. |
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The Dream of America. Oil on Canvas. Sold. |
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Homeland soil. Oil on canvas. Sold. |
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Passenger Comfort. Oil on canvas. Maleriet er tilgjengelig - This painting is available. |
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Spiritual Support. Oil on canvas. Sold. |
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The New Beginning. Oil on canvas. Gave til sykehuset Telemark i 2013. Gift to The Telemark Hospital. |
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The End of a long Journey. Oil on canvas. Sold. |
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The Shipwreck Bottle. Oil on canvas. Maleriet er tilgjengelig - This painting is available. |
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Coffee Table. Oil on canvas. Sold. |
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